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Anna university Nov Dec 2020 Examination - Registration opens

November December 2020 exam notification - Registration opens

Anna university releases notification on upcoming Nov Dec 2020 Examination. please note down the following information regarding Semester Examination

Anna university Nov Dec 2020 Examination notification

We would like to bring to your kind information that the end-semester examinations of November / December 2020 for the students of affiliated institutions will commence during the fourth week of November 2020.

In this context, you are requested to register for the regular courses offered to the students on roll in the odd semester of August —- November 2020. In this connection, the web portal of the office of the Controller of examinations for the purpose of Registration Process for the courses in the current semester alone will be opened on 05.11.2020 at 03.00PM and the last date for Registration is on 10-11.2020 at 11.59PM. You are requested to take utmost care in the registration process. Any modification in the

registration at the later stage is not permitted.

Registration of Practical Courses:

In case of Practical Courses, you are requested to register only for the courses offered to the students through the online mode for which the end-semester examination could be conducted through online. Also, the relevant documents pertaining to the conduct of the practical courses for which registration is completed are to be retained for carrying out necessary verification by the office of the Controller of Examinations.

whenever warranted. The practical courses which could not be offered / completed successfully shall be taken up as and when the normalcy arises and students return back to the campus regularly and the end-semester examination to be conducted in that semester for those practical courses will be treated as first attempt. Hence, you are requested to collect the required fees as per the abstract generated from the web portal and send the same to the office of the Controller of Examinations on or before 23-11-2020.

Further, you are requested to complete the entry of attendance and the

assessment marks in the web portal, provided if any of the data entry is pending in your institution on or before 16-11-2020.


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